Seed Selection

Lateral spreading Spyder LS
We've done it again! Gilba Solutions sports turf consultants recommend MVS Seeds in the US who have an extensive R&D program in the US and have the top performing ryegrass in the current NTEP trials....Slugger 3GL
Seed selection is oft misrepresented in the amenity turf area. In reality it should be one of the most important items on any sports surface as this is the surface that is played on. Nutrition, pesticides and maintenance all directly impact on the grass species present. So it is important to get this right. Bearing in mind chemical suppliers use $1000/Ha as an approximate fungicide costing surely choosing a disease resistant variety can immediately pay dividends?
In Australia grass selection has been driven by suppliers who pay little attention to independent trial data from here or overseas. What is the point of having trial data if it isn't used or alternatively never sees the light of day?
There are two key testing bodies for independent trial data. NTEP in the USA who trial varieties at approximately 19 sites and the STRI who trial at one location in the UK.
Gilba Solutions in conjunction with our supply partner Seed Force have realised this and so aim to meet a market need for a technically orientated supplier of seed offering the best varieties and cultivars from the US and Europe.
All our varieties comprise the most modern genetics and have been independently trialed and we are happy to provide this information to support any claims or recommendations that we make. There is an entire raft of seed varieties such as ryegrass, bentgrass, couch and tall fescue that historically have never made it to market due to poor channels to market.
For example did you know that although marketed as unique RPR and RTF were actually the first generation of naturally spreading ryegrasses and tall fescues? We are able to supply Torsion LST, Titanium 2 LS and Spyder LS
These varieties are used at such venues as ANZ Stadium, Bank West Stadium, Tokyo Golf Club to name a few and there is a good reason for this - quality coupled with pricing.

Apple SGL ryegrass in Sydney

Reserve ryegrass in Canberra
Slugger 3GL ryegrass Budgewoi Soccer Club